Genshi is a state management library for JavaScript that focuses on being simple, effective and composable. It is designed to be easy to use and understand, while providing the flexibility and power needed to build complex applications.
There are a lot of really amazing state management libraries out there, which have been built over many years. They all have amazing communities and resources out there to help developers achieve their goals.
But with server-side rendering becoming more and more prominent, a lot more of the client logic is moving to the server. This opens up a lot of new possibilities for how we can manage state in our applications a lot simpler.
We could solve this by hoisting state up to the top of your application. This can work, but it can also be hard to keep track of everything that is going on.
We could also use the native state management mechanisms provided by libraries, but they are not often designed for complex applications and can be hard to work with as your application scales.
This is where Genshi comes in.
Genshi was created to be a simple, yet powerful state management library that can be used in any JavaScript application. It is designed to be easy to use and understand, while providing the flexibility and power needed to build complex applications.
It is atomic and composable, meaning that you can build your application in a way that makes sense to you, and you can easily add new features without having to rewrite everything.
Genshi is also predictable and testable, which means that you can write tests for your application with confidence, and you can be sure that your application will behave as expected.
Current status
Genshi is in active development, which means that while it is stable and production-ready, there are still some features that are missing. We are working hard to add new features and improve the library, so if you have any feedback or suggestions, please let us know!